Mid-Ohio Valley Veterans Outreach (MOVVO)

Enhance the networking and coordination between and among existing veteran organizations, fill the gaps in delivery of services, and disseminate information to veterans about support available to veterans in the Mid-Ohio Valley.

To assist all eligible veterans within the Mid-Ohio Valley as requested by their case managers and approved by a Veteran Service Office (VSO).

To always ensure veterans who are served by MOVVO will receive the most honest, courteous services possible. If for some reason MOVVO cannot assist a veteran, the veteran will be informed why in a meaningful manner.

Here is how you can help us by Donating to MOVVO

If you wish to contact MOVVO

You can call us at 740-538-0889

e-mail us at movvovets@movvo.org

Veterans MUST be approved by their local Veteran Service Office before approval for assistance with MOVVO